Blockchain technology will reshape financial services in the way that the Internet reshaped the media.

Funds & Portfolio

Our funds

CMCC Global’s Funds accelerate innovation in blockchain technology and the crypto ecosystem.

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We invest in a diverse portfolio of protocols and companies focused on developing the infrastructure to power a new era of the Internet.

Digital Asset

Actively managed direct investments into the native assets that underpin smart contract platforms and blockchain protocols.

Assets: Early-stage tokens, liquid tokens


Actively managed fund-of-funds, investing into quantitative funds in the digital asset space to generate attractive uncorrelated returns.

Assets: A Fund of Crypto Hedge Funds


Actively managed exposure into blockchain equity opportunities both for crypto-related projects that are directly tied to digital asset markets, and enterprise solutions that are not dependent on the success of assets like Bitcoin.

Assets: Early-stage venture equity


Animoca Brands
SX Network
Hi Dollar
Hedera Hashgraph
Informal Systems
Terminal 3


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Ethereum was the first investment that CMCC Global ever made in 2016 (at a price of 7 USD/ETH) and it is telling that the majority of smart contract developer mindshare remains in the Ethereum ecosystem today.
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In 2021, over USD100bn of value was locked in smart contracts on the Ethereum network, as network usage soared both on the mainchain and on layer 2 chains.
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The migration to proof of stake in 2022 was a significant milestone, marking a maturation of the platform that is looking to become the settlement layer for transactions globally.


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CMCC Global was one of the ten largest investors in Cosmos back in 2017 (at a price of 0.10 USD/ATOM), as we had conviction that the modular architecture of Cosmos would spawn a thriving ecosystem.
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There are now over 50 prominent chains that have been built with the Cosmos SDK and are connected to the Interchain via IBC (Inter Blockchain Communication).
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With Cosmos 2.0 in the works, core contributors are focused on growing the interchain economy with the Cosmos Hub at the center of the ecosystem.


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As a seed investor in Solana (at a price of 0.20 USD/SOL) back in 2018, CMCC Global saw the promise of a highly scalable smart contract platform built by world experts in operating system design.
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Solana now has over 11m active accounts, has minted over 21m NFTs and has an average transaction cost of just USD0.00025.
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Solana continues to push technological boundaries and most recently has begun expanding into the mobile space through its new Saga phone and SMS mobile stack.


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We have been long term supporters of Gnosis, with our early conviction coming from the pedigree of the team, which has been operating in the crypto space since the early days of smart contract platforms.
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Gnosis has over 100,000 validators with at least one validator in every country of the world, making it one of the most decentralized networks in existence.
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The project has spun out applications such as Gnosis Safe and CowSwap, and will continue to innovate and contribute to the crypto ecosystem.

Animoca Brands

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Headquartered in Hong Kong with offices worldwide, Animoca Brands is a leader in digital entertainment, blockchain and gaming.
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Animoca Brands develops and publishes a broad portfolio of blockchain games, while also boasting a growing portfolio of more than 380 investments.
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The company is advancing innovation in NFT-related companies and decentralized projects that are contributing to building the open metaverse, including titles such as Axie Infinity, OpenSea, Dapper Labs (NBA Top Shot), The Sandbox, and more.


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CMCC Global is hugely excited by the innovation that Osmosis has been spearheading in the DEX space, through initiatives such as superfluid staking, which allows users to stake their bonded LP positions.
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Osmosis experienced explosive growth in 2021 and 2022, growing to over USD1bn in total value locked (TVL) on the DEX.
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Looking ahead, Osmosis is working on stable swap products and is growing an ecosystem of applications that will launch on the chain and utilize the on-chain TVL.

SX Network

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In early 2022, CMCC Global invested in the SX Network, which is now the world’s largest blockchain prediction market.
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Since its inception, betting volumes have been increasing steadily and SX Network has now processed over USD350m in betting volume across over 1 million bets.
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The network is progressively decentralizing and now operates on its own chain, with plans to fully decentralize the order book and front-end of SX Bet.


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Perion straddles the most exciting consumer facing verticals in crypto, operating across gaming, the metaverse, NFTs and digital fashion.
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The project has a cult following, with tens of thousands of followers across social media and thousands of applicants to become Perion scholars.
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Crypto is rapidly infiltrating the Esports arena and the success of Perion’s gamers is helping the platform to grow in prominence.


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CMCC Global was excited to support Limewire as it relaunched and rebranded as an NFT music and entertainment platform.
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The Limewire community has been growing rapidly at over 20% per month, as new users come to check out the platform’s growing artist roster that includes mainstream artists such as Soulja Boy.
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Looking forward, Limewire plans to expand its offerings into Film and the broader entertainment industry.

Hi Dollar

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Easy-to-use digital wallets will be an enormous market and Hi Dollar is targeting consumers globally with its cleanly designed mobile app.
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To date, the Hi platform has integrated with both crypto and traditional financial institutions, acting as both a non-custodial wallet as well as plugging into the fiat banking system.
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Looking forward, the team is adding social networking features to its application, looking to integrate with entertainment services, retail and wealth services.


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Anoma boasts one of the most sophisticated technical teams that CMCC Global has encountered, with the founders having architected Inter Blockchain Communication (IBC) on Cosmos.
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Its novel research into zero knowledge proof technology and interoperability place it at the focal point for future liquidity in an interchain world.
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We are excited to be a lead investor in Anoma as it launches Namada, the first instance of its technology, followed by Anoma in 2024.


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CMCC Global was a seed investor in Terra in 2018 as we were excited by the original focus of Terra as a backend solution for ecommerce companies in Southeast Asia.
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The company pivoted its strategy in 2020 to take advantage of the rapid rise of DeFi, growing to become one of the largest platforms in the blockchain space with a market cap of over USD40bn.
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In 2022, CMCC Global exited its investment prior to the collapse of the project as a result of technical and regulatory concerns.


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Liquid staking is becoming increasingly important across proof of stake networks and Quicksilver is positioned to become the leading provider of liquid staking services in the Cosmos ecosystem.
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Quicksilver went live in December 2022 with 102 validators on the network and plans to onboard IBC enabled chains in quick succession.
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In a world where better returns can be generated outside of staking, Quicksilver will boost the security of sovereign chains by allowing users to stake assets and use these staked assets in defi applications.

Hedera Hashgraph

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Hedera’s approach to decentralization is unique in that it has a governance council made up of leading global companies such as Google, IBM and Deutsche Telekom.
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Its hashgraph technology is highly scalable allowing for over 10,000 transactions per second.
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The smart contracting layer of Hedera is live with use cases across healthcare, identity and fraud mitigation.


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Solana’s transaction throughput has resulted in the creation of huge amounts of data, and GenesysGo has become the leading data storage and infrastructure provider in the Solana ecosystem.
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In its first 5 months, around 7 terabytes of data was uploaded to the network and over 2m objects stored.
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GenesysGo’s latest product, Shadow Drive, is increasingly being used as a backend service for builders in the Solana ecosystem in need of storage services.


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Gaming is an enormous market, with over 3 billion gamers worldwide. However, leading game engines do not natively integrate with blockchain platforms due to technical limitations.
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Ajuna simplifies the blockchain game development experience for gaming studios and facilitates the incorporation of blockchain based digital assets into games.
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We foresee hundreds of millions of users being onboarded into crypto through blockchain based games and Ajuna can make that adoption a reality.


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Formerly Uqbar, Kinode is a general purpose sovereign cloud computer built for crypto based on Kinode OS, a decentralized operating system and peer-to-peer app framework.
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⁠While blockchains excel at providing immutable, transparent, decentralized data, they are constrained by scalability issues. Kinode offers a practical solution to this tradeoff by retaining on-chain operations for tasks where immutability is required but shifting computation and validation off-chain.
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Animoca has assembled the largest collection of web3 companies in the world, focused on culture and entertainment. It has an addressable user base of over 700 million people across its 450 portfolio companies.
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Animoca is now looking to tie these properties and the combined user base together through its new Mocaverse project and MOCA token. The Mocaverse will act as a focal point of discovery, allowing users to navigate digital culture and entertainment.
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We are very excited to be supporting Animoca Brands and leading the investment round in Mocaverse.

Informal Systems

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Informal Systems combines a rare mixture of highly technical researchers, creative product designers and proven operators.
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The company has been at the forefront of protocol design in the Cosmos ecosystem and its software has been used extensively through the Interchain.
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Informal has multiple core business lines including Informal Security, Informal Staking and new products like Collaborative Finance (CoFi) which has huge upside potential.


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KICKZ is an established, multi–channel retailer that owns existing commercial contracts with top-tier brands (Nike, Jordan, Adidas, Under Armour, Timberland, Spalding, Fila, Puma, etc.) and a strong supply chain.
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KICKZ M3ta was brought to life to bring web2 ecommerce to web3 with end-to-end experiences for brands, including wallet integrations, NFT production, game and metaverse integrations into, and physical production and distribution for brand merchandising.
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KICKZ M3ta intends to utilize the KICKZ brand as a launchpad and example for other brands who are looking to explore this new realm of consumer engagement.

Terminal 3

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Terminal 3 is a Hong Kong-based web3 startup building data infrastructure solutions that preserve user privacy and ensure GDPR compliance.
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Terminal 3 leverages decentralized storage and zero-knowledge proofs to empower a web3 where user data is freely composable, fully private and secure.
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The company’s founders have solid experience in leading technology startups (Spotify, Google, AOL, Lyft, Uber), as well as deep enterprise experience (Digg, SCMP) and founding early-stage companies (Skillshare, Artifact Labs).


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WalletKit is a web3 startup creating a developer platform that abstracts away the complexities of blockchain technology and provides simple HTTP APIs.
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The platform allows developers to build mobile-first web3 apps that maximize user experience.
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Developers can use WalletKit to create meaningful user experiences, whether it's for rewards and loyalty, gaming, payments or anything else.


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Moongate is a blockchain-based ticketing and membership platform that transforms how consumers and brands interact.
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Their solution leverages NFT technology to enhance event experiences, membership programs for building brand communities.
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Moongate has worked with major brands such as Wonderfruit, ComplexCon, Binance and Avalanche.


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OpenTrade is an institutional-grade platform for bringing traditional financial lending and yield products on-chain.
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OpenTrade's underlying technology enables companies and institutional investors to better manage their own treasury cash, and provides infrastructure for developers to build the next generation financial markets applications.
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Tokenized real world assets (RWA) could grow to a $10T market by 2030 as crypto converges to traditional finance.


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Rails is a self-custodial derivatives exchange enabling users to maintain full control over their funds using audited smart contracts.
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Rails will feature a state-of-the-art matching engine to ensure rapid trade execution designed for high frequency crypto traders.
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The founders previously co-founded BlockEQ, a crypto wallet startup that was sold to Coinsquare back in 2018.


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Oobit is a mobile application that enables users to make contactless in-store payments with crypto, instantly send and receive cryptocurrencies with friends and buy/sell a variety of crypto.
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Crypto payments is over a $1T market, with over half a billion of active crypto wallets. However, currently cryptocurrencies are hardly ever used in commerce.
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Tether, the company behind the largest stablecoin by market capitalization, are strategic investors.


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Stablelab is a provider of decentralized governance solutions, offering services that include governance design and facilitation, professional delegation, and secure node hosting.
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The company tailors their services to meet the specific needs of decentralized protocols to enhance decision-making processes and network infrastructure.
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The company's founders were senior team members at leading DeFi protocol, MakerDAO and have a track record of scaling web3 ventures.


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⁠Synternet is an appchain built on the Cosmos SDK powering the next stage of blockchain interoperability. While former protocols focused on asset transfers or cross-chain messaging, Synternet enables developers to access real-time data across multiple chains in their own applications.
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⁠The core of Synternet is the Data Layer, a permissionless protocol facilitating the purchase of data from Publishers (data stream providers) and Subscribers (consumers of those data streams) through Brokers.
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⁠Synternet’s native token, SYNT, is used to price and pay for streams. Additionally, providers must stake SYNT to operate their nodes and can be slashed in the case of malicious behaviour.


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peaq is a layer-1 built on Substrate optimized for DePIN (decentralized physical infrastructure networks) such as cloud services, telecom, and data storage providers. A report from Messari estimated DePIN’s total addressable market in 2023 at USD2.2 trillion in 2023 while projecting it to reach USD3.5 trillion by 2028.
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Despite its nascency, peaq has already seen significant traction from apps entering the DePIN space. ELOOP, a carsharing app for Teslas based in Vienna, has outfitted 100 of its Teslas using peaq IDs. MapMetrics, an app enabling drivers to earn crypto for providing navigation data, recently migrated from Solana to peaq bringing 55,000 devices into the peaqosystem.
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In May 2024, peaq broke the record for the largest CoinList offering in two years, raising USD20m in an oversubscribed launch from over 14,500 wallets.


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Zorp is a development company building Nockchain, a zkVM layer-1 that is compatible with Urbit but also suitable for broader crypto use cases.
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Nockchain is a Turing-complete blockchain using a UTXO model and proof-of-compute consensus. Notably, the chain features reduced full node requirements, privacy and the simplicity of a streamlined base layer.
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Not only is Zorp’s Nockchain zero-knowledge layer-1 blockchain highly performant but it has a built-in developer funnel from the Urbit ecosystem.